Hands-On Small Systems Workshop Held At The Walkerton Clean Water Centre

Ross and Andrea
Ross Johnson and Andrea Cox at work during the Centrifugal Pumps training module

The Walkerton Clean Water Centre (WCWC) hosted a successful hands-on workshop for 35 small drinking water system owners and operators on March 27, 2018.

The workshop was geared to small systems defined under Ontario Regulation 170/03 (Drinking Water Systems) and Ontario Regulation 319/08 (Small Drinking Water Systems). Participants cycled through their choice of three two-hour modules, earning Continuing Education Units over the course of the day. Modules focused on the operation and maintenance of small systems and included:

  • Centrifugal Pumps
  • Iron and Manganese in Groundwater
  • Sampling, Testing, Adverse Test Results and Corrective Actions
  • Ultraviolet Disinfection Theory and Maintenance
  • Ultraviolet Absorbance and Transmittance
  • Wells 101 for Small Systems

Feedback from participants was excellent and 95 per cent of respondents indicated they would recommend the event to others.

To register for any of WCWC’s upcoming training, please visit wcwc.ca/training/course-schedule/ or contact us at 866-515-0550 or training@wcwc.ca.

Background: WCWC is an agency of the Government of Ontario, established in 2004, to ensure clean and safe drinking water for the entire province. WCWC coordinates and provides education, training and information to drinking water system owners, operators and operating authorities, and the public, in order to safeguard Ontario’s drinking water. Through partnerships, WCWC also provides training for the 133 First Nations communities in Ontario. To date, high-quality training has been provided to more than 74,000 participants across Ontario. For more information please visit www.wcwc.ca